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Our Mission

SiLiBabe focuses on high quality safe items for your baby. We use the best food grade silicone, organic cotton, wool and natural wood. We put your baby's safety first. Feel good knowing that our products are safe and free from Latex, Nitrosamine, Phthalate, BPA, PVC and harsh dyes.

All Clothing is made of 100% soft cotton for even the most sensitive skin.

Why Is Silicone A Safe Choice?

While not a “100% natural” material like rubber, food-grade silicone is a non-toxic polymer mostly made from silica (sand). It can withstand heating and freezing without leaching or off-gassing, hazardous chemicals – unlike plastics, which contaminate food in these environments. It is also odor- and stain-resistant, hypoallergenic, and because of it’s smooth surface, very easy to clean. For these reasons, and because it is soft like rubber and does not break, it is the perfect material for eco-friendly and non-toxic baby products in particular.